
Cotton made in Africa

Lidl’s Commitment to a Sustainable Textile Supply Chain

Lidl has been a partner of the “Cotton made in Africa” initiative (CmiA) since February 2020. Through this cooperation, Lidl is actively advocating for socially and ecologically sustainable cotton production in Africa right at the start of the textile supply chain, and is ensuring that the raw materials that we purchase for our own brands can be cultivated and procured under more responsible conditions.

Through the “Cotton made in Africa” certification on selected textile products, we are demonstrating that we comply with our corporate due diligence in relation to social and environmental standards – right from the start of the supply chain. When customers purchase a Lidl textile product with the CmiA seal, they are supporting the “Cotton made in Africa” initiative. Greater demand for textiles made using sustainable cotton enables more and more African smallholder farmers to learn efficient cultivation methods that are more environmentally friendly and more health friendly, which helps improve their living conditions and protect the environment.

Lidl’s commitment is intended to be long term and will be expanded over the coming years: Lidl is aiming to purchase 100% sustainable cotton by the end of 2022. Lidl will achieve this aim through its partnership with the CmiA initiative, as well as various certifications, such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and the Organic Content Standard (OCS).

About Cotton made in Africa

Logo CmiA

“Cotton made in Africa” is an internationally recognized standard for sustainable cotton sourced from Africa. Since 2005, the initiative behind the label has been committed to protecting the environment and improving working and living conditions for smallholder farmers and for the workers in the ginneries. Through its work, the initiative helps to improve the social, economic, and ecological conditions in cotton production in Africa. Through the building of partnerships with textile companies, it creates explicit demand for the sustainably produced cotton, which is marketed under the “Cotton made in Africa” label.

The cotton companies participating in “Cotton made in Africa” organize agricultural and business training for smallholder farmers. The knowledge acquired then helps these farmers to cultivate cotton more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly manner, and to generate a profit from their businesses. As a result of using more sustainable agricultural methods, the smallholder farmers are less exposed to climate change and price fluctuations and are securing a source of income and livelihood for future generations. This helps them to improve their living conditions themselves.

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