
Human Rights Policy Statement

Every day, many millions of people across the globe are involved in the manufacture of food and merchandise sold on the shelves of countless food retailers like Lidl.

Like governments, companies, too, are responsible for ensuring that human rights are upheld in their global supply chains as a non-negotiable requirement and that this respect for human rights is put into practice in their direct business relationships. This is why we at Lidl stand hand-in-hand with our business partners in our commitment to human rights at all stages in our value chain.

Respecting and protecting these fundamental rights is part of our corporate responsibility. In these endeavors, we are guided by the principles set out in internationally valid frameworks such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

As we believe that our corporate success rests on treating each other fairly, responsibility for our fellow human beings and society is a firm component of Lidl’s corporate principles.

As part of the Schwarz Group, Lidl Cyprus is committed to upholding human rights. You can download the Policy Statement that applies to the entire Schwarz Group here: